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Dr. Kaleem Anwar Mir

Dr. Kaleem Anwar Mir,
PhD in Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology
MSc in Environmental Management
Email: kaleemanwar.mir@gmail.com kaleem.anwar@gcisc.org.pk
Mobile: +92-51-9262705 ext. 121


Dr. Kaleem Anwar Mir graduated from Hallym University, South Korea in 2022 with a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology. His doctoral research focused on Integrated Assessment Modelling for Pakistan, specifically involving inventory of activity-based air pollutant and GHG emissions, simulation of future GHG and air pollutant emissions (baseline/current policy scenario), mitigation of future GHG and air pollutant emissions (alternative policy scenarios), air quality (ambient PM 2.5 concentrations) improvement, air quality impacts on public health, emissions control cost, cost-effectiveness analysis, co-benefits analysis, and implications for energy-related SDG indictors.

Dr. Mir served as Chapter Scientist for Chapter 4 on "Mitigation and Development Pathways in the Near- to Mid-Term" in the recently published IPCC WGIII AR6. He is also a member of the UNFCCC energy sector expert reviewer team, which reviews Annex-I Parties' GHG inventories on an annual basis. Dr. Mir received his BSc in Chemical Engineering from the University of Punjab, Pakistan in 2007, and his MSc in Environmental Management from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2015.



GCISC Staff (click for details)

Mr. Muhammad Adnan

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Mr. Kaleem Anwar Mir

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