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Conference / Workshop Books, Monographs and Proceedings

Conferences/Workshops Organized:

  1. Workshop on Developing Inclusive Climate Commitments: NDCs 3.0 for Pakistan, co-organized by SDPI & GCISC at Marriott Hotel, Islamabad – 18 December 2024.
  2. GCISC & PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi with partners jointly organized “3 Day Training Workshop on DSSAT; Assessing Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation Using Crop Simulation Models” at PMAS-Arid Rawalpindi – postponed till December 2024.
  3. Organized training on “CLIMADA-Model Training Workshop”, by GIZ, Islamic Relief Worldwide and GCISC at Istanbul, Turkey – 04-08 November 2024.
  4. GCISC organized a National Consultative Workshop on “Research and Systematic Observation” Chapter of Pakistan’s Third National Communication (TNC) to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at Best Western Hotel, Islamabad – 8 October 2024.
  5. GCISC co-organized Seminar on “Environmental Impact of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events” and delivered presentations, at University of Sargodha, Sargodha – 3-4 October 2023.
  6. GCISC organized a 5 day Training Workshop on National Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Pakistan, 19 – 23 August 2024, Karachi.
  7. GCISC organized Stakeholder Consultative Dialogue on Climate Resilience in collaboration with LUMS at LUMS, Energy Institute, Lahore – 08 January 2024.
  8. GCISC & MoCC&EC organized a Roundtable on “Waste Management, Data Needs and Challenges” at Best Western on 26 September 2023, Islamabad.
  9. “GCISC & MoCC&EC organized a Roundtable on “Moving towards Tier II Methodology for the Estimation of National GHG Emissions from Energy Sector in Pakistan”” in Best Western on 25 September 2023, Islamabad”.
  10. GCISC in Collaboration with GIZ & CITEPA organized Technical workshop on “Using RISQ to track mitigation and adaptation actions policies and measures” on September 21, 2023, Marriott Hotel Islamabad.
  11. GCISC in Collaboration with GIZ & CITEPA organized Technical workshop on “Assessment of GHG impact and tracking of mitigation actions, policies and measures” on September 20, 2023, Marriott Hotel Islamabad.
  12. GCISC in Collaboration with GIZ & CITEPA organized a “Climate Transparency Forum & Technical Workshops” from September 19 – 21, 2023, Marriott Hotel Islamabad.
  13. GCISC Organized National Training Workshop on National GHG Inventories and MRV System at Best Western Hote Islamabad from 4 September – 7 September 2023.
  14. Expert Group Workshop on Climate Risk Assessments (CRA) jointly organized by GCISC, GIZ and InsuResilience solutions Fund (ISF) on 12 June 2023 (Monday) at the Best Western Hotel, Islamabad.
  15. Muhammad Arif Goheer, Muhammad Amjad  & Muhammad Ijaz deliver training sessions in “Capacity Building Training of City Administration and Relevant Officers from Environment, Climate Change and Development Sector to Assess The GHG Emissions Under Climate Resilient Project” jointly organized by MoCC&EC & GCISC at Legend Hotel, Islamabad – 31 May 2023 to 2 June 2023.
  16. GCISC in collaboration with AFD-EnerData & Solagro Organized a Training on “Capacity Building Workshop for the Development of Low GHG Emissions Pathways for Pakistan”, 18-20 January 2023, Serena Hotel, Islamabad.
  17. GCISC In Collaboration With AFD, Enerdata & Solagro Organized an Workshop on “Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Cost Modeling for Pakistan – Reduction Strategies”, 17 January 2023, Serena Hotel, Islamabad.
  18. GCISC Organized “Stakeholder Consultative Workshop on Developing F-Gases Component in GHG Inventory Platform in Pakistan” in collaboration with GIZ & CITEPA at Nishat Hotel, Lahore – 13 December 2022.
  19. GCISC in Collaboration with GIZ organized a Provincial Training Workshop on the RISQ Climate Change Adaptation MRE Tracking Tool (Agriculture & Water), at Luxus Hotel Lahore – 11-13 October 2022.
  20. GCISC in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Japan Oranized a workshop titled “Media Training Workshop on Climate Extremes with emphasis on health impacts” at Margalla Hotel, Islamabad – October 05-06, 2022.
  21. Muhammad Ijaz – Expert trainer to impart training to district government officers of Punjab on GHG Inventories under the framework of Urban Resilience Project, June 29-30, 2022 Lahore- Pakistan.
  22. Workshop on “Responding to Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation in Agriculture” in Training program on “Climate and resilient and water smart agriculture” organized by PARC-NARC/GCISC at NARC Islamabad from 29-30 December 2021.
  23. National Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop on Mainstreaming Climate Smart Agriculture under Workshop organized on “Pathways to Strengthening Capabilities for Climate Smart Agriculture in Pakistan” – 22 December, 2021 at Islamabad Hotel.
  24. Provincial Training Workshop on “The RISQ Climate Change Adaptation M&E Tracking Tool (Agriculture Sector)” jointly organized by GCISC and CITEPA at PC Hotel, Karachi from 02-03 December 2021.
  25. Provincial Training Workshop on “The RISQ Climate Change Adaptation M&E Tracking Tool (Agriculture Sector)” jointly organized by GCISC and CITEPA at Luxus Grand Hotel, Lahore from 29-30 November 2021.
  26. RISQ Platform Training of Trainers Workshop on “Official Launch & Training of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for Adaptation Tracking (Agriculture Sector) in Pakistan” jointly organized by GCISC and CITEPA at Islamabad Hotel on 23 – 24 November 2021.
  27. RISQ Platform Training Workshop on “Official Launch & Training of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for Adaptation Tracking (Agriculture Sector) in Pakistan” jointly organized by GCISC and CITEPA at Islamabad Hotel on 23 – 24 November 2021.
  28. Workshop on “Monsoon Variability and Extremes in Changing Climate” organized by GCISC at Islamabad from 12-14 October 2021.
  29. MRV WORKSHOP jointly organized by GCISC, CITEPA and GIZ-Pakistan on “Development of M & E System for Adaptation Tracking (Agriculture) in Pakistan” at Serena hotel, Islamabad on 20-21 September 2021.
  30. Muhammad Arif Goheer – Training workshop on GHG Emissions/ Carbon Accounting in Forestry sector organized jointly by MOCC/ IUCN/ GCISC at Margalla hotel Islamabad- 31 aug – 1 Sep 2021.
  31. Muhammad Arif Goheer – Workshop on F-Gas jointly organized by GCISC, GIZ & CITEPA – 1 July  2021.
  32. GCISC-GIZ-CITEPA GHG-I training on Transport Sector, 16 April, 2021, GCISC, Islamabad;
  33. GCISC-GIZ-CITEPA GHG-I training on Energy Sector, 14 April, 2021, GCISC, Islamabad;
  34. GCISC-GIZ-CITEPA GHG-I training on IPPU Sector, 12 April, 2021, GCISC, Islamabad;
  35. GCISC-GIZ-CITEPA GHG-I training on Agriculture Sector, 09 April, 2021, GCISC, Islamabad;
  36. GCISC-GIZ-CITEPA GHG-I training on LULUCF Sector, 06 April, 2021, GCISC, Islamabad;
  37. GCISC-GIZ-CITEPA GHG-I training on Waste Sector, 01 & 03 April, 2021, GCISC, Islamabad;
  38. GCISC & ICIMOD Jointly organized a “Training on remote sensing and field-based glacier monitoring”, 16-20 November 2019, Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad;
  39. Shaukat Ali – Training program by Institute of Advanced Studies in Climate Extremes and Risk Management held at Nanjing, China organized by World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)- 24 October-01 November 2019;
  40. Ms Nuzba – Online one-day training Program 2020;
  41. Amjad Masood – Organized a two weeks training workshop of four students of Civil Engineering Department from Institute of Southern Punjab regarding Ground Water Modeling through the main tools of MODFLOW, SURFER, RS/GIS and Google Earth etc.;
  42. Amjad Masood – The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data for groundwater fluctuation in context of climate change is in progress for Doab areas of Pakistan in collaboration with Institute of Geo-Information & Earth Observation of PMAS agricultural University Rawalpindi;
  43. GCISC organized a meeting to discuss and develop a project proposal on Early Warning system for Food, Energy and Water Security under climate Change on 17 December 2018, Islamabad;
  44. Muhammad Arif Goheer, Shahbaz Mehmood, Qudsia Zafar & Kaleem Anwar Mir participated in Results sharing workshop on R-Smog study jointly organized by GCISC and FAO on 29 October 2018, Islamabad;
  45. Muhammad Arif Goheer represented GCISC in the 6th meeting of National Climate Change Policy Implementation Committee on 17 October 2018, Islamabad;
  46. GCISC Organized a two-day workshop on climate change and food security in NARC from 5-6 October 2018;
  47. Stakeholder meeting on Remote Sensing jointly organized by FAO and GCISC on 27 September 2018, Islamabad;
  48. GCISC organized a field visit to Gilgit to study on the Impact of Debris Cover Thickness and Temperature Variations on Glacier Melting in the Upper Indus Basin” from 17-30 Sep 2018;
  49. Organization of Pakistan’s largest climate conference On December 18-20, 2017, GCISC organized the Science Policy Conference on Climate Change (SP3C-2017) in Islamabad. For this Conference, GCISC partnered with the COMSATS, the Higher Education Commission (HEC), the University of Utah – USA, the US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Water at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro (USPCAS-W), the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS). The Conference was attended by more than 850 participants representing international and national research organizations, academia, government, media, law, parliamentarians and civil society. The Conference comprised of 45 technical research workshops arranged in 5 parallel sessions covering the themes on Climate Science, Climate & Water, Agriculture & Food Security, Impacts & Adaptation and Mitigation & Policy. The purpose of research workshops was to provide a platform to young researchers to present their latest research findings. Overall, 140 scientific papers were presented in these research workshops. In addition to this, roundtables & side events (9 each), a poster competition and an exhibition were also part of the SP3C 2017. The roundtables and stakeholder side events were chaired by parliamentarians, secretaries to Govt. of Pakistan, eminent scientists and academicians. Many well-known researchers from different universities and research institutions shared their knowledge and research findings on the themes mentioned above;
  50. Organized a session on Climate Change and Its Implications for Pakistan at National School of Public Policy, 27 March 2018, Lahore;
  51. Organization of National seminar on “Preparing Rural Communities to Cope With Climate Change through South-South and Triangular Cooperation” jointly by GCISC/MoCC and IFAD on March 14, 2018, Islamabad;
  52. Organization of meeting on Climate Research and Outreach Agenda for the year 2018, 19 January 2018, Islamabad;
  53. Organized a session on Climate Change and Its Implications for Pakistan at National School of Public Policy, 23 October 2017, Lahore;
  54. Organization of Joint NCP-GCISC Workshop on Introduction of Degree Program on Atmospheric Sciences/ Earth System Physics in Universities, 14 September 2017, Islamabad;
  55. Organization of a meeting of University Consortium jointly with Higher Education Commission, August 08, 2017, Islamabad;
  56. Field Assessment for climate change adaptation at local level in the Gilgit watershed at Gilgit from 19-26 July, 2017;
  57. Organization of National Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories under CfRN Reporting for Results based REDD+ project, Serena Hotel, 18 July 2017, Islamabad;
  58. 1st Stakeholders’ Consultative Meeting on Pakistan’s Glaciers Threats Study, GCISC, Islamabad, Mar 10, 2017;
  59. GCISC organized a Spring Tree Plantation Campaign 2017 under Prime Minister’s Green Pakistan Program at Emigration Tower in collaboration with D.G Bureau of Emigration & GCISC-9 Feb 2017;
  60. Pak-INDC Steering Committee Meeting organized jointly by MoCC and GCISC on October 27, 2016, Islamabad;
  61. Stakeholder Consultation on Pakistan INDC Study organized jointly by GCISC & MoCC on 29 August 2016, Islamabad;
  62. Pak-INDC Steering Committee Meeting organized jointly by MoCC and GCISC on September 19, 2016, Islamabad;
  63. Organized a meeting of Sector Experts contributing to Pak-INDC study on August 17, 2016, Islamabad;
  64. Climate Risk Management, 3-day Workshop in collaboration with National Institute of Disaster Management, 27-29 October 2015, Islamabad;
  65. Regional Inception Workshop, APN Project Climate Smart Agriculture through Sustainable Water Use Management (CAF2015-RR12-NMY-Shaheen), 10 November 2015, Islamabad, Pakistan;
  66. Use of Statistical Downscaling and AquaCrop Simulation Modeling Tools for Climate Change Impact Studies. Regional training workshop organized under APN Project CAF2015-RR12-NMY-Shaheen, 30 May-04 June 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka;
  67. National Seminar for Planners and Policymakers on main findings of the APN Research Project: “Assessment of Food and water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate using Crop Simulation and Water Management Models and Identification of Appropriate Strategies to Meet Future Demand (ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal)”, Islamabad; July 08, 2014;
  68. National Conference on “Building Communities – Cultivating Peace”, jointly organized by GCISC and Lok Sanjh Foundation (LSF), Islamabad; June 18-19, 2014;
  69. 2nd GCISC Capacity Building Workshop on “The Application of Earth System Models for Climate Change Prediction and Impact Assessment Studies with Focus on South Asian Monsoon” was organized by the Climatology Section from 27 October – 28 November, 2014 at GCISC, Islamabad;
  70. Seminar on Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction to cope with high impact weather in developing countries on 06 January 2015;
  71. Seminar on The Impact of Convective Schemes on Regional Climate and the Hydro-climate Projections in Typical Regions on 20 January 2015;
  72. Organization of Mid-term Training Workshop on “Application of University of British Columbia (UBC) Watershed Model for Hydrological studies” under the APN Regional Research Project “Runoff Scenarios and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia” at Islamabad from 27 – 30 April, 2015;
  73. A Field visit to Gilgit Catchment was organized to collect field observations from Educationalists, farmers and NGO Member regarding CC related hazards and its implications from 11 – 17 June 2015 under APN Project ““Runoff Scenarios and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia (ARCP2013-20NMY-Shrestha)”.
  74. National Conference on “Building Communities & Cultivating Peace”, jointly co-sponsored by GCISC and Lok Sanjh Foundation (LSF), at Hotel Margala, Islamabad; June 18-19, 2014.
  75. National Seminar on ‘Food Security in Pakistan under Changing Climate’, under APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing climate using Crop Simulation and Water Management Models and Identification of Appropriate Adaptation Strategies to Meet Future Demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal), Islamabad, Pakistan; July 08, 2013.
  76. APN Regional Workshop on ‘Final Research Results’ under APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing climate using Crop Simulation and Water Management Models and Identification of Appropriate Adaptation Strategies to Meet Future Demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal), Islamabad, Pakistan; January 15-18, 2013.
  77. Capacity Building Workshop on “The application of earth system models for climate change prediction and impact assessment studies”, Islamabad; 27 August – 08 September 2012.
  78. International Conference on “Climate Change: Opportunities & Challenges”; Co-organized by GCISC and Pakistan Council of Science & Technology (PCST) at National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Islamabad; 9-11 May, 2012.
  79. National Workshop on ‘Stakeholder Consultation towards Preparation of Second National Communication to UNFCCC’, organized by GCISC at Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad, July 27-28, 2011.
  80. National Workshop on ‘Stocktaking of GHG Inventory Development in Pakistan’, organized by GCISC at Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad. June 25, 2011.
  81. APN Regional Workshop on ‘Preliminary Research Results’ under APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing climate using Crop Simulation and Water Management Models and Identification of Appropriate Adaptation Strategies to Meet Future Demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal), Islamabad, Pakistan; March 08-12, 2010.
  82. APN Regional Technical Meeting on ‘Finalization of Research Results on Climate Extremes’, Katmandu, Nepal; 15-19 June 2009.
  83. APN Regional Training Workshop on “Use of crop Simulation Models for Climate Change Studies”, under APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate using Crop Simulation and Water management models and Identification of Appropriate adaptation Strategies to Meet Future demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal), Kandy, Sri Lanka; March 16-20, 2009.
  84. APN Regional Technical Meeting on ‘Climate Extremes Indices for South Asia’, Kathmandu, Nepal; 21-25 April 2008.
  85. Start-up Workshop under APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing climate using Crop Simulation and Water Management Models and Identification of Appropriate Adaptation Strategies to Meet Future Demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal), Kathmandu, Nepal; 10-12 August 2008.
  86. GCISC Briefing Seminar on ‘Climate Change Results for National Planners and Policymakers’, Islamabad; August 28, 2007.
  87. APN-CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal, 19-23 June, 2007.
  88. APN Regional Workshop on ‘Climate Extremes for South Asia Region’, Islamabad, Pakistan; 21-23 August 2006.
  89. APN Regional Workshop on ‘Climate Extreme Indices and Indicators for South Asia’, Islamabad, Pakistan; 2-6 January, 2006.
  90. APN-CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Climate Scenarios for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 15-19 August, 2005.
  91. APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Training Workshop on Watershed Modeling, Islamabad, 07-18 March, 2005.
  92. APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Training Workshop on Crop Simulation Modeling, Chiang Mai, Thailand, June 28- July 09, 2004.
  93. APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling, Islamabad, 16-27 February, 2004.

Proceedings of National and Regional Workshops:

  1. Mir, K.A. (2018). Sectoral emission inventory of air pollutants in Punjab. In D. Muchoney, P. Moore, G. Franceschini, M. Ali, M. A. Goheer, S. Mehmood & A. Pervaiz (Eds.), Remote Sensing for Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Smog in Punjab and Identification of the Underlying Causes Using GIS Techniques (R-SMOG) (pp. 62 – 73). Pakistan, PK: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);
  2. Mir, K.A., and Balasubramanian, R. (2017). Air quality improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation in Pakistan: an integrated approach. In L. L. Heng, N. Harvey, K. Sekhar, Y. W-Shan & S. J. Gek-khim (Eds.), Sustainability matters: environmental management in the Anthropocene (pp. 189 – 210). Singapore, SG: World Scientific Publishing;
  3. Aftab Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Arif Goheer, Nuzba Shaheen, Tauqeer Qadir, Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ijaz (2017) CROPWAT based future projection of crop water and net irrigation requirements for wheat in semi-arid and arid environment of Pakistan under changing climatic conditions in Punjab, Published in the Abstract Book of the International Conference on Climate Change Threats to Agriculture and Food Security, Think-Adapt 2017, November 22-24, 2017, Peshawar;
  4. Aftab Ahmad Khan, Tauqeer Qadir, Muhammad Arif Goheer, Muhammad Ijaz and Saddam Hussain (2017) Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Salinity using Combination of Remote Sensing and Field Methods in Lakki Marwat, KPK. Published in the Abstract Book of the International Conference on Climate Change Threats to Agriculture and Food Security, Think-Adapt 2017, November 22-24, 2017, Peshawar;
  5. Amina Akif, Dr Sherazi, Akif Rahim, Aftab Ahmed Khan, Numan Kashif, The statistical approach to assessment the Hydrological Alternation in The Mangla Watershed of Pakistan, Proceedings THINK-ADAPT, November 22-24, 2017, at Agriculture University Peshawar;
  6. M. Amin, Aftab Ahmed Khan, Abida Perveen, Sher Shah and Zareen Raf, Drought Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Dry Lands, Proceedings THINK-ADAPT, November 22-24, 2017, at Agriculture University Peshawar;
  7. Muhammad Waqar Azeem, Ashfaq Ahmad, Jamshad Hussain, Muhammad Mubashar, Aftab Ahmad and Muhammad Awais, Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture System of Pakistan;
  8. Climate Change and its Impact on Cotton (Gossypium sp.) in Pakistan, Proceedings Sino-Pak international conference on innovations in cotton breeding and Biotechnology 22-24 November 2017, University of Agriculture Multan;
  9. Mir, K.A., and Balasubramanian, R. (2017). Air quality improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation in Pakistan: an integrated approach. In L. L. Heng, N. Harvey, K. Sekhar, Y. W-Shan & S. J. Gek-khim (Eds.), Sustainability matters: environmental management in the Anthropocene (pp. 189 – 210). Singapore, SG: World Scientific Publishing;
  10. Shaukat Ali, Bushra Ghaffar, Kayyanat Shafiq, Jaziba Ishtiaq, Iqra Sarfraz, Nadia Khan, Muhammad Adnan, Aftab Ahmad Khan, Kaleem Anwar Meer, Firdos Khan, Muhammad Shahbaz and Muhammad Arif Goheer (2017) abstract on Future Changes in Drought Characteristics over Pakistan Using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI): 1970-2099 published in the Proceedings of First International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Earth and Environmental Sciences” from 9-10 March 2017. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore;
  11. Muhammad Adnan and Nadia Rehman (2017) abstract on Climate extremes and desertification trends in context of climate change published in Proceedings of First International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Earth and Environmental Sciences” from 9-10 March 2017. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore;
  12. Kaleem Anwar and Shahbaz Mehmood (2017) abstract on Pakistan’s Energy Sector’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions published in the Proceedings of First International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Earth and Environmental Sciences” from 9-10 March 2017. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore;
  13. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi and Qurat ul Ain Ahmad (2016). Mid-term progress report of Year-II. APN Project “Runoff Scenarios and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia” (ARCP2013-20NMY-Shrestha);
  14. Nuzba Shaheen and Muhammad Arif Goheer (2016) Proceedings of the Regional Training Workshop on ‘Use of Statistical Downscaling and AquaCrop Simulation Modeling Tools for Climate Change Impact Studies’ organized under APN Project on Climate Smart Agriculture through Sustainable Water Use Management’ 30 May – 04 June 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka;
  15. Qurat ul Ain Ahmed, M. Zia ur Rahman Hashmi, and M. Arif Goheer (2015). Proceedings of the Regional Training Workshop on “The Application of UBC Watershed Model for Hydrological Studies”. APN Project “Runoff Scenarios and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia” (ARCP2013-20NMY-Shrestha);
  16. Nuzba Shaheen, and M. Arif Goheer (2016) Proceedings of the Regional Inception Workshop organized under APN Project on “Climate Smart Agriculture through sustainable water use management” (CAF2015-RR12-NMY-Shaheen), 10-12 November 2015, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  17. “Use of crop Simulation Models for Climate Change Studies”: Proceedings of the Training Workshop of APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate using Crop Simulation and Water management models and Identification of Appropriate adaptation Strategies to Meet Future demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal) (Ed: M. Arif Goheer and M. Mohsin Iqbal), Kandy, Sri Lanka; 16-20 March 2009. Published in May 2014 (ISBN: 978-969-9395-17-8).
  18. “Food and Water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate”: Proceedings of the Start-up Workshop of APN Project ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South Asia under Changing climate using Crop Simulation and water management models and Identification of Appropriate adaptation Strategies to Meet Future Demand’ (APN ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal) (Ed: M. Mohsin Iqbal and M. Arif Goheer), Kathmandu, Nepal; 10-12 August 2008.Published in May 2014 (ISBN: 978-969-9395-16-1).
  19. GCISC Briefing Seminar on ‘Climate Change Results for National Planners and Policymakers’, Islamabad; August 28, 2007.
  20. Proceedings of APN-CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on ‘Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results’ (Ed: M. Munir Sheikh, Muhammad Amjad and Arshad M. Khan), Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
  21. Proceedings of APN-CAPaBLE Workshop on Development and Application of Climate Extreme Indices and Indicators for Monitoring Trends in Climate Extremes and Their Socio-economic Impacts in South Asia Countries (Ed: m. Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor), Islamabad; January 02-06, 2006 & August 21-23, 2006.
  22. Proceedings of APN-CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Climate Scenarios for South Asia (Ed: M. Munir Sheikh and Syed Faisal Saeed), Kathmandu, Nepal; 15-19 August, 2005.
  23. Proceedings of APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Training Workshop on Watershed Modeling (Ed: Imtiaz Ahmad, Shehzad Jehangir and Fahad Saeed), Islamabad, 07-18 March, 2005.
  24. Proceedings of APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Training Workshop on Crop Simulation Modeling (Ed: Syed Sajidin Hussain and Muhammad Mudasser), Chiang Mai, Thailand; June 28- July 09, 2004.
  25. Proceedings of APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling, (Ed: M. Munir Sheikh and Syed Faisal Saeed), Islamabad; 16-27 February, 2004.
  26. Proceedings of National Workshop on ‘Stakeholder Consultation towards Preparation of SNC (Second National Communication) to UNFCCC’, organized by GCISC in collaboration with Ministry of Environment, at Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad, July 27-28, 2011.
  27. Proceedings of National Workshop on ‘Stocktaking of GHG Inventory Development in Pakistan’, organized by GCISC in collaboration with Ministry of Environment, at Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad. June 25, 2011.
  28. Global Change Perspective in Pakistan: Challenges, Impacts, Opportunities & Prospects. (In collaboration with APN and Asianics Agro Dev International), Islamabad, 28-30 April, 2005.
  29. Capacity Building Workshop on Global Change Research (In collaboration with APN and Asianics Agro Dev International), Islamabad, 08-10 June, 2004.
  30. GCISC Introductory Workshop on Mathematical Modelling and its Application to Developmental Issues (Organized by COMSATS), Islamabad, Oct. 29- Nov. 02, 2002.


  1. Mountains of Pakistan: Protection, Potential and Prospects (edited by Shahzad A Mufti, Syed Sajidin Hussain and Arshad M. Khan), 2003.
  2. Water and New Technologies (edited by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad), October, 2002.


  1. Addressing Climate Change through Effective Science Communication, 2024 (In collaboration with COMSTECH)
  2. Climate Change: Global and OIC Perspective, 2004 (In collaboration with COMSTECH).
  3. Energy Strategies for the OIC Member States, 2004 (In collaboration with COMSTECH).