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Scientific Contribution Presentations in International Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Contribution and participation in negotiations held during UNFCCC United Nations Climate Change Conference COP-29, held at Baku, Azerbaijan – 7-23 November 2024;
- Qurat Ul Ain Ahmad and Nuzba Shaheen – Participation in “CLIMADA-Model Training Workshop”, organized by GIZ, Islamic Relief Worldwide and GCISC at Istanbul, Turkey – 04-08 November 2024;
- Kaleem Anwar Mir – Participation in Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) 17th Annual Meeting (IAMC-2024) scheduled to be held during 04 to 06 November 2024 at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea;
- Muhammad Amjad – Attended “Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 3.0 Regional Forum for Asia” organized by UNFCCC at Bangkok, Thailand – 30 September – 02 October 2024 ;
- Kaleem Anwar Mir – Attended IPCC Inventory Software Workshop at Baku, Azerbaijan – 03-06 September 2024;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Contribution to the 28th meeting of the Technology Executive Committee and the joint session of the Technology Executive Committee and the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network organized by UNFCCC at Copenhagen – 16–19 April 2024;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer & Muhammad Amjad – Contributed in online 6th Informal Forum of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) – 5 February 2024;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Contributed in United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixtieth Session at Istanbul, Türkiye, from 15 to 19 January 2024;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Contributed in The COP-28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates from 30 November – 13 December 2023;
- Muhammad Ijaz – Resumed second part of COP 15 and concurrent meetings of the Parties to the Protocols, Nairobi, Kenya – 19-20 October 2023;
- Muhammad Ijaz – Twenty-fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Nairobi, Kenya – 15-19 October 2023;
- Muhammad Ijaz – Workshop on the recently completed assessments of the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Nairobi, Kenya – 13 October 2023;
- Muhammad Ijaz – Participated in Summer school “FROM CLIMATE SCIENCE TO ACTION”, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Berlin, Germany – 29 August to 1 September, 2023;
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Nuzba Shaheen & Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad – Participation in summer school jointly organized by GIZ, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), and GCISC on “From Climate Science to Action”, held at PIK, Germany from 28th August to 1st September 2023;
- Muhammad Ijaz – Participated in The 13th UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gases, Seoul, South Korea – July 10 – 28, 2023;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Pakistan-German Climate and Energy Partnership (PGCEP) organized a study trip on “Strengthening climate adaptation and resilience – fostering international dialogue” to Germany – 09-17 May 2023;
- Muhammad Ijaz & Kaleem Anwar Mir – Attended Regional Policy Dialogue on Air Quality Management in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Foothills (IGF-HF) organized by World Bank at Kathmandu, Nepal 14-15 December 2022;
- Kaleem Anwar Mir – Presentation titled “Application of the GAINS IGP-HF AQM: Policy Planning Tool: Early findings for Punjab province, Pakistan” at Regional Policy Dialogue on Air Quality Management in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Foothills (IGF-HF) organized by World Bank at Kathmandu, Nepal 14-15 December 2022;
- Qurat ul Ain Ahmad – Participation in the “American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022” in Chicago, USA – 12-16 December 2022;
- Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad, Presented recent PhD research work titled “Coincidence of Climate Extremes with Sensitive Crop Growth Phases: Projected Impact on Crop Production and Sustainable Crop Water Use in the IGB River basins” in (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022 held from 12 – 16 December 2022 in Chicago, USA;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Participation in United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, COP27, held from 6-20 November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
- M Arif Goheer – Third Workshop under the Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme organized by UNFCCC, Cairo Egypt – 17 to 18 October 2022;
- Muhammad Ijaz – Online training workshop on “Estimating land degradation in mountain regions 26-28 September, 2022 Colorado, USA;
- Amjad Masood – Participated in Training organized by ICIMOD Team on “Analysing permafrost in the Hindu Kush Himalaya using open-access tools” at Kathmandu, Nepal – 20-24 June 2022;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – REDD+ Research Visit to Support Capacity Building of Relevant Forest/REDD+ Stakeholder in Pakistan under activity “Preparation of Participation Forest Management Plans and REDD+ Action Plans” Ghana – 12 March 2022;
- Muhammad Zia Ur Rahman Hashmi – Participation in the ‘IWMI Consultation Workshop on Afghanistan-Pakistan State of the Basins Report’ in Dubai-UAE – 07-11 Feb 2022;
- Published a paper in Climate Research on Future Wind Energy potential in Pakistan using three regional climate models (COSMO-CLM, REMO, and RegCM4) with 25 km resolution and two scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5) in Journal of Inter-Research Science Publisher titled “Projections of wind power density in Pakistan and adjacent regions” Michelle S. Reboita, Rida Sehar Kiani, Shaukat Ali, Tahir Khan;
- Muhammad Amjad – Attended CoP 26 in Glasgow UK – 3 Nov 21 to 12 Nov 2021;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – Attended CoP 26 alongwith MoCC Delegation in Glasgow UK – 31 Oct 21 to 12 Nov 2021;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer – 3rd meeting of the UNFCCC – Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), Bonn, Germany – 17 -19 February 2020;
- Mubashar Dogar – Attending AGU Ocean Science Meeting/Conference 2020, US San Diego, California – 16-21 February 2020;
- Participation in “2nd Greenhouse-Gas Inventory System Training Workshop” organized by United Nation Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) at Bangkok, Thailand – 13-16 January 2020;
- Shaukat Ali – Presentation on “Non-uniform changes in different percentile precipitation over North America” at Training program by Institute of Advanced Studies in Climate Extremes and Risk Management held at Nanjing, China organized by World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)- 24 October-01 November 2019;
- Dogar M. M., & Shahid, A. (2019, December). Revisiting the Climatic Impacts of ENSO Modoki Varying Amplitude. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts;
- M Zia Ur Rahman Hashmi – WMO High Mountain Summit, from 29-31 October, 2019 in Geneva;
- Shahbaz Mehmood & Shaukat Ali contributed in “Inception cum Training workshop on “Observation and statistical models requirement for preparation of high resolution reference” under APN Project “Toward robust projections of climate extremes and adaptation plans over South Asia” (CRRP2018-04My-Ali) scheduled on October 21-23, 2019 in Beijing, China;
- Amjad Masood – Presentation titled as “Extreme events affecting water and hydropower sectors in Pakistan” was presented at Regional Workshop on climate services for water and hydropower sector in South Asia, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, NEPAL, on 24-26 September 2019;
- Muhammad Adnan & Muhammad Amjad contributed in IPCC “Third Lead Author Meeting (LAM3)” for the Working Group 1 (WG1) contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), Toulouse, France, 26-30 August 2019;
- Muhammad Adnan & Muhammad Amjad contributed in IPCC Pre Fourth Lead Author Meeting (LAM) meeting during July 20-25, 2020 of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Working Group I (WGI) Sixth Assessment Report;
- Muhammad Amjad contributed in IPCC Pre Fourth Lead Author Meeting (LAM) meeting during June 1- 5, 2020 of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Working Group I (WGI) Sixth Assessment Report;
- Dogar, M. M. A., & Shahid, A. (2020, February). The Sensitivity of Ocean Temperature, Heat Content, Sea-Level Rise, and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to Periodic and Constant Volcanic Forcing. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. AGU;
- M Zia Ur Rahman Hashmi – UIB-N Meeting for Enhancing Science Based Regional Cooperation. Kathmandu, Nepal, 17-18 Jan 2019;
- Shaukat Ali, Junior Associate – 2019 in Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (AS-ICTP), 27 May-04 August 2019, Italy;
- Qudsia Zafar, Paper-writing Workshop on Analysis of CORDEX-CORE Climate Projections (smr 3282), 06-10 May 2019, Italy;
- Muhammad Ijaz, Workshop of the Asian Regional Group of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement, 24-26 April 2019, Indonesia;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer, 1st Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), UNFCCC, 20-22 February 2019, Germany;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi, UIB-N Meeting for Enhancing Science Based Regional Cooperation, 17-18 January 2019, Nepal;
- Muhammad Adnan, IPCC Second Lead Author Meeting for 6th Assessment Report, 07-11 January 2019, Canada;
- Muhammad Amjad, IPCC Second Lead Author Meeting for 6th Assessment Report, 07-11 January 2019, Canada;
- Shaukat Ali, delivered a presentation on “Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) in Bajaur, Khyber, and Mohmand Agencies”, at IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) meeting at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 15-16 November 2018;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer participated in the 4th Lead Author Meeting (LAM4) of the 2019 Refinement to IPCC 2006 GHG inventory Guidelines organized by IPCC – 22-26 October 2018, Rome, Italy;
- Muhammad Ijaz, Fourth Lead Author Meeting (LAM4) for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories; 22-26 October 2018, Italy;
- Muhammad Ijaz, The Joint Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) and Review Editors Meeting of the Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6); 07-09 October 2018, Egypt;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer, GHG Inventory Workshop Organized by UNFCCC, 20-24 August 2018, China;
- Shahbaz Mehmood, 23rd Intergovernmental Meeting and Science Planning Group Meeting 11-12 July 2018, Thailand;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi, Inception Workshop of the NSFC-ICIMOD Project “Glacier changes and associated hydrologic impact under warming climate in Hunza Valley along the Sino-Pakistan Economic Corridor”, 21-27 June 2018, China;
- Kaleem Anwar Mir, participated as a trainee in “2018 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gases”, offered in collaboration by the GIR and UNFCCC, 25 June-19 July 2018, South Korea;
- Mubashar Dogar, ICTP Summer School on “Theory Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Multiple Equilibria in the Climate System, 25 June-05 July 2018, Italy;
- Muhammad Adnan, IPCC First Lead Author Meeting for 6th Assessment Report, 25-29 June 2018, China;
- Muhammad Amjad, IPCC First Lead Author Meeting for 6th Assessment Report, 25-29 June 2018, China;
- Shaukat Ali, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), 27 May-04 August 2018, Italy;
- Muhammad Adnan, IPCC Expert Meeting on assessing Regional Climate Information, 16-18 May 2018, Italy;
- Muhammad Amjad, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Expert Meeting on Assessing Climate Information for Regions (smr H545), 16-18 May 2018, Italy;
- Muhammad Amjad, Heinrich Boll Stiftung (HBS) Visiting Program on Energy Transition, 23-27 April 2018, Germany;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer, Third Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, 10-13 April 2018, Australia;
- Muhammad Ijaz, Third Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, 10-13 April 2018, Australia;
- Aftab Ahmed Khan, Training on Water & Sedimentation Modeling, 12-16 February 2018, Davis, California, USA;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi, Project results sharing meeting (LEAD-Pakistan’s USAID PEER Cycle-04 funded project), 20-24 February 2018, Kazakhstan;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer, Training Workshop On Water & Sedimentation Management, 5-16 February, 2018, Davis, California, USA;
- Mubashar Dogar, Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) 2018, 11-16 January 2018, USA;
- Muhammad Amjad, Tailored WRF Regional Climate Modeling for Hydrologic Impact Applications, 22 January-02 February 2018, USA;
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Tailored WRF Regional Climate Modeling for Hydrologic Impact Applications, 22 January-02 February 2018, USA;
- Tariq Banuri, UNFCCC 23rd session of the Conference of Parties (COP 23), 11-17 November 2017, Bonn, Germany;
- Shahbaz Mehmood, UNFCCC 23rd session of the Conference of Parties (COP 23), 11-17 November 2017, Germany;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer, UNFCCC 23rd session of the Conference of Parties (COP 23), 05-17 November 2017, Bonn, Germany;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi, UNFCCC 23rd session of the Conference of Parties (COP 23), 05-17 November 2017, Bonn, Germany;
- Shaukat Ali, International Workshop on Climate Statistical Downscaling Studies, Integrated Research Program for advancing Climate Models, 02-04 October 2017, Japan;
- Nuzba Shaheen, International Workshop on Climate Downscaling Studies, Integrated Research Program for advancing Climate Models, 02-06 October 2017, Japan;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer, Second Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Inventories, 25-28 September 2017, Zimbabwe;
- Muhammad Ijaz, Second Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Inventories, 25-28 September 2017, Zimbabwe;
- Shaukat Ali, PhD research group meeting and CAS‐TWAS‐WMO event, 18-22 September 2017, China;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer delivered a presentation on Adaptation and DRR in Agriculture in the context of Pakistan in the Training Workshop on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Agriculture organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO), 11-15 September 2017, Sri Lanka;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer moderated a session on Integrating CCA and DRR Measures into National Agricultural Policy, Programs, and Plans in the Training Workshop on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Agriculture organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO), 11-15 September 2017, Sri Lanka;
- Nuzba Shaheen, 2017 APEC Climate Center Training program on “User-oriented Statistical Downscaling of Climate Information in Agriculture and Water Resources”, 16-26 August 2017, South Korea;
- Amjad Masood, Regional Workshop on Himalayan GEOSS, 10-11 August 2017, Nepal;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi, Knowledge Forum on Indus Basin “The Indus Basin: New Knowledge Frontiers for Development and Resilience”, 04-06 July 2017, Sri Lanka;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer delivered a presentation on ‘GHG emissions from Rice Cultivation in Pakistan’ in the Rice Working Group during 1st Lead Author Meeting (LAM1) for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories; 7-9 June 2017, Bilbao, Spain;
- Shaukat Ali delivered a presentation on ‘Statistical downscaling using long-term trend preserving bias correction methods (DQM and QDM), for extreme climatic and hydrological events over Pakistan’ in The Third workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM), 5-12 June 2017, China;
- Shaukat Ali (2017) presented on Quantile delta map for statistical downscaling of climate model data”, delivered at Asian Monsoon meeting organized by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) United State of America and Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) China on 11 June 2017;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi delivered a presentation on ‘How the KKH Region be better represented in the IPCC’ in the workshop on Understanding Climate Change and Enabling Climate Actions with a Special Focus on Mountain Systems of the Hindu Kush Himalayas, April 2017, Nepal;
- Amjad Masood participated in International Seminar on “Managing Indus Basin for Sustainable Development, Food Security and Poverty Alleviation” at CEWRE UET, Lahore-13 Apr 2017;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi delivered a presentation on ‘Future Runoff Scenarios using Statistically Downscaled RCM data in Hydrological Modelling’ in APN Project ‘Runoff Scenario and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia (ARCP2012-SP29-Shrestha)’ related activity, March 2017, Nepal;
- Nuzba Shaheen delivered a presentation on Climate Smart Agriculture: Using Best Practices for adaptation and Mitigation in Asia in Capacity Building Workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Climate Change: Low Carbon and Adaptation Initiatives in Asia 06-08 February 2017, February 2017, Thailand;
- Shahbaz Mehmood contributed in Regional Level Sharing Workshop for the Project Runoff Scenario and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia (ARCP2012-SP29-Shrestha), February 2017, Bangladesh;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer contributed to the negotiations on Agriculture, Forestry & Land Use and Adaptation streams in the 22nd Session of Conference of Parties (COP-22) as a Government delegate from 7-19 November 2016, Marrakesh, Morocco;
- Muhammad Arif Goheer contributed to the negotiations with Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) during COP-22 which led to the acquisition of country membership in coalition and engagement of Pakistan in Reporting for Results Based REDD+ activities under CfRN;
- Kaleem Anwar Mir, Participated as energy sector review expert in the “In-country review of Malta‘s 2016 GHG submission”, October 2016, Malta;
- Muhammad Amjad, (2016) “Generation of Regional Climate Data and Research in Pakistan” presented at APCC Training Program 2016 on Generation of Regional Climate Data derived from Statistical Downscaling Techniques during 22 – 27 August 2016 at APCC, Busan, Republic of Korea;
- Arif Goheer delivered a presentation on ‘Preparation of Pakistan’s INDC’ in Workshop on ‘Unpacking (I)NDCs- identifying, prioritizing, planning and implementing mitigation and adaptation measures’ organized by International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV in association with Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (DMHCC), 26-27 July 2016 in Ha Noi, Vietnam;
- Arif Goheer moderated a session on ‘Developing an Action Plan for a Cross-Cutting Sector with Data Limitations’ in the Workshop on ‘Unpacking (I)NDCs- identifying, prioritizing, planning and implementing mitigation and adaptation measures’ organized by International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV in association with Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (DMHCC), 26-27 July 2016 in Ha Noi, Vietnam;
- Shaukat Ali (2016) delivered a presentation at International Conference on Challenges in Water Security to meet the growing Food requirement organized by AASSA (Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia and PAS (Pakistan Academy of Sciences), 19-21 July 2016;
- Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi delivered a presentation on “GLOF- the main drives and how to respond’ in Regional Conference on Risks and Solutions: Adaptation Frameworks for Water Resources Planning, Development and Management in South Asia, July 2016, Sri Lanka;
- Nuzba Shaheen (2015) APN Project Overview and Progress, presentation at Regional Training Workshop, Use of Statistical Downscaling and AquaCrop Simulation Modeling Tools for Climate Change Impact Studies, under APN Project CAF2015-RR12-NMY-Shaheen, 30-04 June 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Shaukat Ali, Shahbaz Mehmood and M. Arif Goheer (2016) CORDEX data application for mountainous regions. Poster Presentation at Stockholm, Sweden, 17-20 May 2016;
- M. Arif Goheer (2015) Climate Change Threats to Agriculture in Pakistan: Impacts and Adaptation Prospects. Lecture delivered in a Seminar on Climate Change: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for Landless farmers and Peasants of Sind, organized by Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, and ILO. September 09, 2015;
- M. Amjad (2015) Energy Situation in Pakistan. 2015 Wind Power Generation for Developing Countries, 14 August – 8 October 2015, Lanzhou, China. Organized by the government of China;
- M. Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi (2015) GLOFs: Learning and Way Forward, presentation at the International GLOF Conference, 14-15 October 2015, Islamabad;
- Nadia Rehman and M. Adnan (2015) Seasonal Prediction of Summer Rains over Monsoon Region of Pakistan, presentation in the Advanced School and Workshop on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction and Application to Drought Prediction, 23 November–04 December 2015, ICTP, Trieste, Italy;
- Nuzba Shaheen Generation of Weather Data using Stochastic Weather Generator for Upper Indus Basin of Pakistan, presentation at APCC Training Program, 11 December 2015, Busan, Korea;
- Nadia Rehman (2015) Case Study-Forecast Analysis of Heat Wave Event of Southern Pakistan by Using ECMWF-S2S Data Portal, presentation at the Advanced School and Workshop on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction and Application to Drought Prediction, 23 November–04 December 2015, ICTP, Trieste, Italy;
- Qudsia Zafar (2015) Downscaling of Regional Climate Data Derived from Statistical Downscaling Techniques over Pakistan, presentation at APCC Training Program, Busan, South Korea, 12 December 2015;
- Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, Ghazanfar Ali, Dr. Arshad M. khan, “Assessment of Future Water Availability in Hunza River Originating from Highly Glacierized Karakorum Mountains using SWAT Hydrological Model” during International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, Kathmandu, Nepal, 12-14 January 2015.
- Mr. Shahbaz Mehmood presented a paper titled “Summer NAO Influence on south Asian Monsoon” in the Targeted Training Activity (TTA): “Challenge in Monsoon Prediction” being held from at ICTP-Trieste, Italy, 23 June – 04 July 2014.
- Anis, R. “Assimilation of remote sensing data in a hydrologic model to improve estimates of spatially distributed soil moisture and surface runoff”. (Paper made and submitted to SUPARCO International conference on space; Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, 8 – 10 September 2014).
- Arif Goheer presented a paper “Climate Change: A Major Challenge to Food Security of Pakistan” in 6th Meeting of the South and Central Asia MAB Network (SACAM), at Hotel Margalla, Islamabad, 3-5 December 2014.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Changes in the global System: Main Findings of IPCC AR5 WG-I Report’, at 6th SACAM [South and Central Asia MAB (Man and Biosphere) Network], organized by Pakistan Science Foundation, Hotel Margala, Islamabad; December 3-5, 2014.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Key Mesaages Discussed in the Working Group on Food Security’, in the Closing Plenary of HIMAP (HKH Monitoring and Assessment Prohramme), ICIMOD, Nepal; October 15-16, 2014.
- Ghazanfar Ali and Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, “Sensitivity of Upper Indus Basin Glacio-hydrology to Changing Climate”, International Conference on Cryosphere of The HKH and Data Sharing Policy Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; May 13 – 16, 2014.
- Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, Muhammad Zia Hashmi and Ghazanfer Ali, “Reliability Testing of Daily Observed Precipitation Records and Detection of Extreme Events: Trends for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in the Upper Indus Basin and Surrounds”, Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS)Open Science Conference – Future Earth in Asia, Beijing, China; April 7-10, 2014.
- M. Ijaz and M. Mohsin Iqbal, Assessing spatiotemporal variability of NPP, NEP and Carbon sinks of grasslands of Pakistan in response to climate change’, MAIRS Open Conference: Future Earth in Asia, Beijing, China; April 7-10, 2014 (Abstract pp. 89).
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, Invited Lecture on “Climate Change: Vulnerability of Pakistan and Impacts on Agriculture”, at 15th International Congress of Soil Science, NARC, Islamabad; March 18, 2014.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, “Climate Change: Vulnerability of Pakistan and Impacts on Agriculture”, at Habib University International Conference on Climate Change, Hotel Pearl-Continental, Karachi; January 25, 2014.
- Naeem Manzoor, Muhammad Adnan, Javeria Ashraf and M. Munir Sheikh, Climate Extremes Indices Trends over South Asia and specifically over Pakistan, Poster presented at International Conference on Asian Monsoon and Climate Change, Islamabad; 20-21 January, 2014.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Muhammad Adnan and Naeem Manzoor: Monsoon Variability and Predictability in Pakistan in the context of Climate Change, COMSATS International Conference on Asian Monsoon and Climate Change, Islamabad; 20-21 January, 2014.
- Nuzba Shaheen, M. Zia ur Rehman Hashmi and M. Mohsin Iqbal “Station Scale Future Projections of Precipitation Change in Monsoon Dominated Sub-Mountainous Region of Pakistan using a Weather Generator” Poster presented at COMSATS International Conference on “Asian Monsoon and Climate Change”, Islamabad; January 20-21, 2014.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, “Assessing the impacts of climate change on wheat production in selected districts of different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan”, COMSATS International Conference on ‘Asian Monsoon and Climate Change’, Islamabad; January 20-21, 2014.
- Qurat ul ain Ahmad, “Introduction to MODIS satellite imageries and hands on training on Image Processing with MRT/MST Tools”, Inception Workshop of APN Project “Runoff Scenario and Water Based Adaptation Strategies in South Asia” Kathmandu, Nepal; 24-26 November 2013.
- Mr. Munir Sheikh “Forests Response to Climate Change in Pakistan” at International Conference on “Plants, People & Climate”, organized by Pakistan Council for Science and Technology) at NUST, Islamabad; 5–7 November, 2013.
- Ghazanfar Ali; Zia ur Rehman Hashmi; Ms. Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, Challenges to Manage Water for Food Security under Uncertain Climatic Conditions: Special Focus on Indus Delta Mangroves, International Conference on Plants, People & Climate, NUST, organized by Pakistan Council of Science and Technology, Islamabad; 05 – 07 November 2013.
- Ghazanfar Ali; Qurat ul ain Ahmad and Muhammad Zia Hashmi, “Pakistan Water Resources: Challenges With Special Focus on Indus Delta Mangroves” International Conference on Plants, People & Climate, organized by Pakistan Council of Science and Technology, at NUST Islamabad; 05 – 07 November 2013.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, M.A. Goheer, N. Shaheen and M. Ijaz, Plant, People and Climate Nexus: From Sustenance to Sustainability, PCST International Conference on ‘Plants, People, Climate’, NUST, Islamabad; November 5-7, 2013.
- Nuzba Shaheen, Climate smart agriculture through sustainable water use management: Exploring new approaches and devising strategies for climate change adaptation in South Asia, presentation delivered at APN Proposal Development Training Workshop (PDTW), Colombo, Sri Lanka; 03-05 October 2013.
- Zia Hashmi, Karakoram cryosphere response to climate change: Anomalies and Research Efforts, Ev-K2-CNR Scientific Conference, Karakoram Resources and Climate Change: Glacier, Water and Ecosystem, Islamabad; September 10, 2013.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Building Resilience in Pakistan, APO Workshop ‘Developing Farming Systems for Climate Change Mitigation’, Colombo, Sri Lanka; 26-30 August 2013.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Activities of GCISC in Relation to Climate Change Projections & Extreme Weather and Climate Events, ICCES-COMSATS ITRG Meeting on “Extreme Weather and Climate Events”, Beijing, China; 21 July 2013.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Muhammad Adnan and M. Munir Sheikh, Trends in Extreme Daily Rainfall and Temperature Indices over Pakistan, International Training Workshop on ‘Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Detection, Monitoring, Prediction and Risk Management for Developing Countries’, Beijing, China; 14 – 23 July 2013.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, Impacts of climate change (CO2 and Ozone) on crops and Food Quality: Chapter 7 (Food Security and Food Production Systems) of WG-II Report written by him, IPCC 4th Lead Authors Meeting (LAM4), Bled, Slovenia; July 15-18, 2013.
- Ghazanfar Ali; Zia ur Rehman Hashmi; Ms. Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, Capricious Water Availability in Indus Basin under Changing Climatic Conditions: Adaptation Strategies, International Workshops on “Intelligent Water Grids (IWG), LUMS, Lahore; 16 – 19 March 2013.
- Ghazanfar Ali, Introduction to Water Resources of Pakistan, presented to Ms. Jody Eimers, Hydrologists US Geological Survey, during her visit to GCISC on March 01, 2013.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Nadia Rehman and M. Munir Sheikh, Use of Climate Change Projections for Impact Assessment Studies over South Asia, APN Regional Workshop on ‘Preliminary Research Results’, under ARCP Project on “Food and Water Security in South-Asia, Rawalpindi; 15-18 January, 2013.
- Muhammad Munir Sheikh, Naeem Manzoor and Muhammad Adnan, Climate Change: Past Trend Patterns and Implications for Different Sectors, APN Regional Workshop on ‘Preliminary Research Results’, under ARCP Project on “Food and Water Security in South-Asia”, Rawalpindi; 15-18 January, 2013.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Managing Dwindling Water Resources of Pakistan under Changing Environmental Conditions for Food Security”, APN Regional Workshop on “Assessment of Food and Water Security in South-Asia”, Rawalpindi; 15-18 January 2013.
- Nuzba Shaheen, “Impact of Climate Change on Rice Productivity in Pakistan; Regional Final Workshop of APN Project on ‘Food and Water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate’, Rawalpindi; January 15-18, 2013.
- M. Ijaz, M.A. Goheer and M.M. Iqbal, Impact of climate change on wheat yield in Pakistan, Regional Final Workshop of APN Project on ‘Food and Water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate’, Rawalpindi, January 15-18, 2013.
- M. Arif Goheer, Two presentations; (i) Assessment of Future Food and Water Requirements under Changing Climate Scenarios (ii) Modelling Crop Responses to Changes in Climate and Management: A Food Security Perspective, Regional Workshop on “Final Research Results” under APN ARCP Project on ‘Assessment of Food & Water Security in South-Asia’, Rawalpindi, January 15-18, 2013.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, “Project Plan and Framework” Regional Final Workshop of APN Project on ‘Food and Water Security in South Asia under Changing Climate’, Rawalpindi, January 15-18, 2013.
- Muhammad Amjad, Finding Clues of Extreme Events in Seasonal Climate Prediction, presented at APEC Climate Center (APCC), Busan, Republic of Korea; 27 December 2012.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Challenges of Climate Change to Water and Food in Pakistan’, COMSATS 4th SAICON (South Asia International Conference) on ‘Emerging Knowledge Economy in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges’, Also Chair Session V of the Conference, Pearl Continental Bhurban; Dec 05-07, 2012.
- M. Munir Sheikh, “Climate Change in Pakistan, Impacts and Possible Remedial Strategies”, International Workshop on Air Quality Monitoring And Global Warming Trends in Pakistan, NUST, Islamabad, 15-16 November, 2012.
- Muhammad Ijaz and M. A. Goheer, Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Wheat under Climate Change by Combined Use of Crop Simulation Modeling and Remote Sensing Techniques, ISNET/CSE Workshop on Applications of Space Technology for Food Security, Dakar, Senegal; 09 – 14 July, 2012.
- Ghazanfar Ali, Climate Change and Water Availability Conundrum: Indus Basin Context, Indus Basin Working Group Meeting, Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal; 26-28 June, 2012.
- M. Zia ur Rehman Hashmi, “Climate Change Impacts on Water Research at GCISC”, 2nd Workshop on Climate Change Impacts on Water/Land and Adaptation Strategies in the Tibet-Himalayan Region. Pokhara, Nepal; 27-29 June 2012.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Implications on Pakistan’s Water Resources under Changing Climate”, Indus Basin Working Group Meeting, Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal; 26-28 June, 2012.
- M. Zia ur Rehman Hashmi, Cryosphere studies in Pakistan: GCISC initiatives, International Conference on Cryoshpere of the Hindu Kush Himalayas: State of the Knowledge, Kathmandu, Nepal; 14-16 May 2012.
- M. Arif Goheer, “Climate Change and Forest Resources of Pakistan” Seminar on Principle and Practice of Forestry Management Responding to Global Climate Change, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China; May 11-31, 2012.
- Muhammad Amjad, Firdos Khan, Qudsia Zafar, M. Munir Sheikh, Assessment of Wind Power Potential in Pakistan using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, PCST International Conference on Climate Change” Islamabad; May 9-11, 2012.
- M. Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor, Climate Change in Pakistan, Impacts and Possible Remedial Strategies, International Workshop on Air Quality Monitoring And Global Warming Trends in Pakistan, NUST, Islamabad; 15-16 November, 2012.
- Nadia Rehman, Climate Modeling and Regionalization of Climate Change Scenarios over South Asia, Workshop on ‘Climate Modeling and Natural Disasters in ECO Region’, Tehran, Iran; 25-26 June, 2012.
- M. Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor, Climate Change and Related Concerns for Pakistan; International Conference on Climate Change: Opportunities & Challenges; National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Islamabad; 9-11 May, 2012.
- Nuzba Shaheen, M. Zia-ur-Rehman Hashmi and M. Arif Goheer, “Daily Rainfall Generation for use in Crop Simulation Modeling for Northern Dry Mountains Agro Ecological Zone of Pakistan”, PCST International Conference on ‘Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges”, NUST, Islamabad; May 9-11, 2012.
- M. Arif Goheer, M. Ijaz and M.Mohsin Iqbal, “Assessment of the impact of climate change on wheat productivity under different agro-ecological conditions in Pakistan: Crop simulation modeling approach”. PCST International Conference on Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges, NUST, Islamabad; May 9-11, 2012.
- M. Arif Goheer, “Crop yield predictions using Seasonal Weather Forecasts and Crop Simulation Models” Training Workshop on Seasonal Weather Forecasts linked pre-harvest estimates of crop production: Methodological Approaches, Colombo, Sri Lanka; April 16-18, 2012.
- M. Arif Goheer, “Current state of Knowledge on seasonal weather forecasting-Pakistan: Data, Skills & Tools” Training Workshop on Seasonal Weather Forecasts linked pre-harvest estimates of crop production: Methodological Approaches, Colombo, Sri Lanka; April 16-18, 2012.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Probing the Response of HKH Glaciers to Climatic Changes (Pakistan Region), Trans-Himalayan”, Workshop on “Glacier, Snow Melt and Runoff in the Himalayas, Kathmandu, Nepal, 06 – 07 February 2012.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Climate Change: A Threat to Various Sectors of Pakistan including Health, Seminar on Human Disaster Management, University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore; 26 January, 2012.
- Qurat ul ain Ahmad and Jeeban Panthi, “Changing Climate-melting: Water Resource Management in South Asia”, 3rd APN South Asia Sub-Regional Cooperation (SA-SRC) Meeting and Proposal Development Training Workshop (PDTW), Paro, Bhutan; 16-19 January, 2012.
- Muhammad Amjad and M. Munir Sheikh, Ecological Network Model and Analysis for Mangroves Ecosystem in South Asia, Inception Workshop of Joint GCISC-SDPI Project on “Impact of Climate Change on Mangroves Ecosystem in South Asia”, Colombo, Sri Lanka; 16-18 January, 2012.
- Muhammad Amjad, Nadia Rehman and M. Munir Sheikh, Quantifying Impact of Climate Change on Mangroves Ecosystem using downscaled future projections using Regional Climate Models over South Asia, Inception Workshop of Joint GCISC-SDPI Project on “Impact of Climate Change on Mangroves Ecosystem in South Asia”, Colombo, Sri Lanka; 16-18 January, 2012
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Muhammad Adnan, M. Munir Sheikh, Seasonal Prediction of Summer Monsoon Rainfall, Workshop on ‘Development of a Project Proposal: ’The Impact of Global Warming on Ocean-Atmosphere Feedback Strength in the Tropical Indian Ocean’, Qingdao, China; 03 – 04 November 2011.
- Nadia Rehman, Regional Climate Changes and their Impact Assessment in Pakistan simulated by PRECIS, CTWF, International Training Workshop on ‘Regional Climate Change and Its Impact Assessment, Beijing, China; 26 – 29 September, 2011.
- Arif Goheer, “Climate change, Agriculture and Food Security Nexus: Pakistan’s Perspective”, poster presented at Summer School on ‘Climate Impacts Modelling for Developing Countries: Water, Agriculture and Health’, organized by ICTP/WMO at ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 5 – 16 September 2011.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Mountain Food Security in the Context of Climate Change and Green Economy’, Session 6 ‘Poverty, Equity and Sustainable Mountain Development’, at ICIMOD-UNEP International Conference on ‘Green Economy and Sustainable Mountain Development in the context of Rio+20’, Kathmandu, Nepal; September 5-7, 2011.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food Security in the HKH Region’, ICIMOD Author’s Workshop on HKH Regional Climate Change Report, Kathmandu, Nepal; August 18-19, 2011.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Muhammad Shoaib, Industrial Ecology and Environment, Country Report from Pakistan, International Training Course on “Industrial Ecology and Environment”, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; 04 – 22 July 2011.
- M. Munir Sheikh, “Green Technology Strategy in Pakistan in the Context of Climate Change”, International Workshop on Green Technologies: Recognizing Positive Trends in Pakistan, Encourage Investment for Sustainable Development, organized by OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Islamabad; 28-30 June, 2011.
- Nuzba Shaheen, Evaluation of weather generators for generating time series of weather data for use in crop simulation models under different agro ecological zones of Pakistan, Newcastle University, UK; May 24-June 15, 2011.
- Javeria Ashraf, M. Arif Goheer, M. Adnan and M. Munir Sheikh, Future Changes in Extreme Climate Indices in the Northern Irrigated plains and Barani land of Pakistan using downscaled GCMs and their possible impacts on wheat yield. PCST (Pakistan Council of Science & Technology)-International Conference on Climate Change: Opportunities & Challenges, NUST, Islamabad; 9-11 May, 2011.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Naeem Manzoor, Muhammad Adnan and Javeria Ashraf, Increasing Trends of Climate Extremes and Desertification: Linkage to Global Warming, SAARC Workshop on Science and Technology Issues on Climate Change, Islamabad; 21-22 March, 2011.
- Muhammad Adnan, Javeria Ashraf and M. Munir Sheikh: Prediction of Monsoon Rainfall over the Monsoon Dominate Region of Pakistan, SAARC Workshop on Science and Technology Issues on Climate Change, COMSTECH, Islamabad; 21-22 March, 2011.
- M. Arif Goheer, M. Ijaz, N. Shaheen and M.M. Iqbal, ‘Vulnerability of Cereal Crops Production to Climate Change in Pakistan’, SAARC Workshop on Science and Technology Issues on Climate Change, COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad; March 21-22, 2011.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change Concerns and Emerging Challenges for Water and Food Security of Pakistan”, Regional Workshop on Climate Change, Food and Water Security”, Colombo, Sri Lanka; 24 – 25 February, 2011
- Nadia Rehman, Future Change Projections using Regional Climate Model PRECIS, Workshop on ‘Regional Climate Models and downscaling procedures for climate change impacts’, Newcastle University, UK; November 28 – December 19, 2010.
- Nuzba Shaheen, Assessment of climate change impacts on cereal crop production using crop simulation model DSSAT, Workshop on ‘Seasonal hydrological forecasting for water resources management in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram- Himalaya region (Upper Indus basin and surrounds), Newcastle University, UK; November 28 – December 19, 2010
- Shahbaz Mehmood, M. Munir Sheikh, Implementation of Regional Climate Model RegCM3 over South Asia focusing Pakistan”, Training Course on ‘Regional Climate Models and Downscaling Procedures for Climate Change Impacts’, Newcastle University, Newcastle UK; November 12 – December 5, 2010.
- Muhammad Amjad, M. Munir Sheikh, Dynamical Downscaling of Seasonal Climate Hindcast and Prediction Experiments using Regional Spectral Model (RSM) over South Asia, 9th International Workshop on the “Climate and Environmental Change: Challenges for Developing Countries”, Beijing, China; 17-20 November 2010.
- Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, “Climate Change Impacts on Flow Regime of Highly Glacierized Basin, Western Karakoram: Case Study of Hunza Basin, Interim Results of APN Project ARCP2008-16NMY-Shrestha, University of Newcastle, UK; November 05-28, 2010.
- M. Ijaz, M.A. Goheer and M.M. Iqbal ‘Precision Agriculture; Crop Simulation Modelling (CSM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) Linkage through Satellite Technology. ISNET/NARSS Seminar on ‘Bridging the Gap through Satellite Technology’, Cairo, Egypt; October 18-21, 2010.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, Key Presentation on ‘Facing Food Challenge under Climate Change Threats to Land Resources through Salinization’, at FAO-UV (University of Valencia) Global Forum on Salinization and Climate Change (GFSCC-2010), Valencia, Spain; October 24-29, 2010.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Climate Change and Food Security: Impacts and Adaptations’, International Conference on ‘Climate Change and Development’, organized by Ministry of Environment, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad; October 21-22, 2010.
- Arif Goheer, Reducing food disaster risk by integrating research and extension in national agricultural policy, Second International Disaster Management Conference (IDMC-2010) on “Good Governance in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation”, organized by Centre for Disaster Preparedness and Management (CDPM), University of Peshawar at Baragali Summer Campus;19-21 October, 2010.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Consequent Implications of Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Resources of Pakistan”, International Workshop on Integrated Studies of Environmental Changes in Tibet-Himalayan Region, Kathmandu, Nepal; 13 -15 September 2010.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, M. Ijaz and N. Shaheen, ‘Asian Drylands: Current Issues and Modelling Perspective’, Kick-off Meeting of APN-MAIRS Joint Project on ‘Asian Drylands Landsurface Process Models Intercomparison (ADMIP), Beijing, China; July 11-12, 2010.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change Effects on Himalayan Glaciers”, Regional Workshop for Journalists on Climate Change organized by LEAD-Pakistan Hotel Marriott, Islamabad; March 28-30, 2010.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Vulnerability of Socio-ecological Interactions to Climate Change in Drylands of Pakistan’, 1st MAIRS Workshop on ‘CHE (Coupled Human-Environment) System in Drylands, Kunming, China; March 22-24, 2010.
- Nuzba Shaheen “Impact of Climate Change on Rice Productivity in Pakistan; Preliminary research results” APN Regional Workshop on ‘Preliminary Research Results, Islamabad; March 08-12, 2010.
- M. Ijaz, M.A. Goheer and M.M. Iqbal ‘Vulnerability of wheat producing districts in Pakistan under climate change, APN Regional Workshop on ‘Preliminary Research Results’, Islamabad; March 8-12, 2010.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change and Water Resources of Pakistan”, Regional Workshop on “Preliminary Research Results of APN Project ARCP2009-08CMY-Iqbal,”. Islamabad; 08-12 March 2010.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change and Water Resources of Pakistan”, Presentation for Parallel Session during International Scientific Spring, National Centre for Physics, Islamabad; 01 – 06 March 2010.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Nadia Rehman, M. Munir Sheikh, Application of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and High Resolution Regional Climate Models (RCMs) to Develop Climate Change Scenarios for Impact Studies over South Asia, APN Regional Workshop on Preliminary Research Results, Islamabad; 8 – 12 March, 2010.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, M. Munir Sheikh, Regionalization of Climate Change Scenarios using State of the Art High Resolution Climate Models (RCMs) for Impact Studies over South Asia, APN Workshop on Impacts of Global Change on the Dynamics of Snow, Glaciers and Runoff over the Himalayan Mountains being held at Kathmandu, Nepal; 17 – 19 February 2010.
- Pakistan Component, First Year Meeting of APN ARCP2008-16NMY-Shrestha, Kathmandu, Nepal; 17-19 February 2010.
- Ghazanfar Ali, Progress on APN Project ARCP2008-16NMY-Shrestha
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change Concerns and Challenges for Freshwater Resources of Pakistan”, International Seminar on “Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and Glaciers: Concerns and Challenges”, National Centre for Physics, Islamabad; 07 – 08 January 2010.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal,‘Food Security Perspective of Pakistan under Changing Climate’, International Scientific Spring (ISS-2010), National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad; March 01, 2010.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Climate Change and Drought in Pakistan; 5th Meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) & International Coordination Group (ICG), Tokyo, Japan, 15-18 December, 2009.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Climate Change Impacts on Dryland Agriculture in Pakistan and Coping Strategies’, 2nd MAIRS Asian Drylands Study Workshop, Changchun, China, July 22-26, 2009.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of Pakistan”, Inception Workshop on National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for Climate Change, organized by MoEnv. Islamabad; 27 May 2009.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Water Resources Research at GCISC”, Presentation to Mr. David Archer at GCISC; 09 April, 2009.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Status of Snow and Ice Monitoring and Assessment Capacities in Pakistan”, Presentation developed and presented by Pakistani Group at “Regional Consultative Workshop on Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere: Assessment and Monitoring of snow and Ice in the HKH Region”, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal; 01 April 2009.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Climate Extreme Trends over South Asia, Vulnerable Sectors and Corresponding Adaptation Measures in Pakistan; IPCC Scoping Meeting, Oslo, Norway; 23-26 March, 2009.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Water Security of Pakistan in the Wake of Climate Change Threat” at International Conference on Physics and the World of Today, University of Karachi; 18-20 December 2008.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Research activities of Global Change Impact Studies Centre’ TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), New Delhi; 19 November 2008.
- Ijaz, M., B. Aslam, H. Sultana and M. M. Iqbal, Effect of climate parameters on termite infestation of wheat crop under rainfed conditions in Pakistan, International Symposium on ‘Modern Approaches and Techniques in Agriculture to Food Security in Pakistan’, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad; October 13-14, 2008.
- Siraj ul Islam, Shahbaz Mehmood, Nadia Rehman, M. Adnan Abid, Mubashar Ahmad, M. Munir Sheikh, Arshad M. Khan, An Inter-Comparison of Downscaled Future Projections Using Two Regional Climate Models over South Asia, CAS- TWAS-WMO Forum International Workshop on “Development of Regional Earth System Model and its Applications”, Kunming, China; September 17-19, 2008.
- Muhammad Amjad, Shahbaz Mehmood, M. Munir Sheikh, Comparison of Convective Schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model over South Asia, International Workshop on ‘Development of Regional Earth System Model and its Applications’, Kunming, China; Sep 17-19, 2008.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Nadia Rehman, Siraj ul Islam, M. Munir Sheikh, Arshad M. Khan, Coarse and Fine Scale Climate Change Scenarios for Impact Studies over South Asia, APN ARCP Start-up Workshop on Food & Water Security in South-Asia under Changing Climate, Kathmandu, Nepal; August 10-12, 2008.
- Arif Goheer, Future Scenarios for Food Consumption in South Asia, APN ARCP Start-up Workshop on Food & Water Security in South-Asia under Changing Climate, Kathmandu, Nepal, August 10-12, 2008.
- Arif Goheer, Future Scenarios for Food Consumption in South Asia, APN ARCP Start-up Workshop on Food & Water Security in South-Asia under Changing Climate, Kathmandu, Nepal; August 10-12, 2008.
- Arif Goheer, Use of PODIUM (Policy Dialogue Model) in Food and Water security studies, APN ARCP Start-up Workshop on Food & Water Security in South-Asia under Changing Climate, Kathmandu, Nepal; August 10-12, 2008.
- Arif Goheer, Climate Change and Food Production: Pakistan’s Perspective, APN ARCP Start-up Workshop on Food & Water Security in South-Asia under Changing Climate, Kathmandu, Nepal; August 10-12, 2008.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Aims and objectives of the APN-ARCP Project’ APN ARCP Start-up Workshop on ‘Assessment of Food and Water Security in South Asia under changing climate using Crop Simulation and water Management Models, and identification of appropriate strategies for adaptation to meet future demands’, Kathmandu, Nepal; August 10-12, 2008.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change and Water Resources of Pakistan” Abu Dhabi Group’s Knowledge Forum Rivers of the Greater Himalayas: from Source to Sea, Present and Future, Singapore; 25-27 June 2008
- Arif Goheer, Current capabilities in the analysis of climate risks and adaptation strategies in critical areas. Symposium on Climate Change and Variability-Agrometeorological Monitoring and Coping Strategies for Agriculture, organized by WMO/ COST 734, Oscarsborg, Norway; 03-6 June 2008.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘APN CAPaBLE Comprehensive Research: Climate Modelling in Water and Food Security: Communicating integrated research findings’, Bonn, Germany, June 03-07, 2008
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, H. Sultana and M. Ijaz ‘Opportunities offered by Hindu Kush-Himalaya region for improving agricultural productivity in Pakistan’, Cryosphere and Hazards Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; March 31-April 2, 2008
- Naeem Manzoor, Climate Extremes in the Context of IPCC Reports and their Status over South Asia”, APN Technical Meeting on Climate Extremes’ Indices for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal; 21-25, April 2008.
- M. Munir Sheikh, “Outcome of the Year-1 Project on Climate Extreme Indices for South Asia’ APN Technical Meeting on Climate Extremes’ Indices for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal; 21-25, April 2008.
- Arif Goheer, Adapting to Climate Change: Ensuring Food Security through Technological Interventions in Pakistan” International Forum Climate Change and Science and Technology Innovation, Beijing, China from April 24-25, 2008.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Muhammad Adnan, Javeria Asharaf and Nadia Rehman, Temperature & Precipitation Extremes Indices for Pakistan, APN Technical Meeting on Climate Extremes Indices for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal; 21- 25 April, 2008.
- Muhammad Amjad, Simulations of Extreme Events Using MM5 & WRFV2.2, Second East Asia WRF Workshop and Tutorial, Seoul, Korea; April 7 – 12, 2008.
- Ghazanfar Ali, et al., “Impact of Climate Change on Indus River Flows”, International Workshop on Cryosphere & Hazards for the Hindukush, Himalaya & Tibetan Plateau, Kathmandu, Nepal, 31 March-02 April 2008
- Shahbaz Mehmood, M. Adnan Abid, Faisal S. Syed, M. Mubashar Ahmad, M. Munir Sheikh, Future Projections over South Asia Using Regional Climate Model RegCM3, 4th ICTP Workshop on the Theory & Use of REGional Climate Models ‘Applying RCMs to Developing Nations in Support of Climate Change Assessment & Extended Range Prediction’, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 3 – 14 March 2008.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Altug Ekici, Muhammad Asif, Wajeeha Shafeeq, Sensitivity Study of Land Use Change over South Asia using RegCM3, 4th ICTP Workshop on the Theory & Use of REGional Climate Models ‘Applying RCMs to Developing Nations in Support of Climate Change Assessment & Extended Range Prediction’, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 3 -14 March, 2008.
- Ghazanfar Ali, Impact of Climate Change on Fresh Water Resources of Pakistan, Climate Science and Policy Workshop, AIT Bangkok, Thailand; 12-13 January, 2008.
- Shahbaz Mehmood, Faisal S. Syed, M. Munir Sheikh, Validation and Application of Regional Climate Model RegCM3 for Climate Change Studies over South Asia, Institute on “The Monsoon System: Prediction of Change and Variability”, Honolulu, USA; 2-12 January 2008.
- Arshad M. Khan, Climate Change Research in Pakistan, International Symposium on Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of Modern Civilization, Baku, Azerbaijan; 24-27 September, 2007.
- Muhammad Haroon Siddiqui, et al, Remote Sensing and GIS Based Measurements of Temporal Changes in Lateral Dimensions of Biafo Glacier in Central Karakoram, Himalaya, Northern Pakistan, Presented at Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology, Obergurgl, Austria; 27-31 August, 2007.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “River Flow Related Models in Use at GCISC”, APN CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June 2007.
- Ghazanfar Ali, “Climate Change: Implications and Adaptation for Water Resources in Pakistan”, APN CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal, 19-23 June 2007.
- Siraj Ul Islam, Nadia Rehman, Climate Change Scenario over South Asia Region Simulated by PRECIS RCM, APN CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- Siraj Ul Islam, Nadia Rehman, and Muhammad Adnan, Assessment of Future Change in Temperature Extreme Indices using Regional Climate Model PRECIS over Pakistan, APN CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- Siraj Ul Islam, Nadia Rehman, Climate Change Scenarios for Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh for SRES A2 and A1B Scenarios Using outputs of 17 GCMs used in IPCC AR4, APN CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- Faisal S. Syed, Shahbaz Mehmood, Nadia Rehman, M. Adnan Abid, M. Ashfaq, F. Giorgi, J. Pal and X. Bi , Climate Change Studies over South Asia Region Using Regional Climate Model RegCM3, APN CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Results of Climate Change Research, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- Faisal S. Syed, Shahbaz Mehmood, Raza Ranjha, Effect of Bugs in RegCM3 on the Simulation of Climate over South Asia, APN CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Results of Climate Change Research, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- M. Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor; “Drought and Desertification Trends in Pakistan: Past and Future”, APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Past Climate Changes in Pakistan, at APN-CAPaBLE South Asia Regional Workshop on Comprehensive Climate Change Research Results, Kathmandu, Nepal; 19-23 June, 2007.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, Two presentations (i) Climate change impact assessment on rice production in Pakistan, and (ii) Adaptation strategies to cope with negative impacts of climate change on agriculture in Pakistan’, APN CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on ‘Comprehensive Research results’, Kathmandu, Nepal; June 19-23, 2007.
- Nazim Ali, Food Security, Policy Change? Why? What? Where? And How?, Project Meeting of APN Food System, Kathmandu, Nepal; 01-02 March 2007.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Impact of Global Environmental Change on Water Resources and Food System in Indus Basin of Pakistan’, APN CAPaBLE Workshop on ‘Food and Developing Decision Support System’, Kathmandu, Nepal; February 27-March 02, 2007
- Imran Shahid, Effect of Transboundary Air Pollution on Air Quality of Northeastern Region of Pakistan, Poster Presented at Better Air Quality Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 13 – 15 December 2006.
- Rehan Anis, Comparison of Different Interpolation Methods for Temperature Mapping in Pakistan, 2nd International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environment, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 26 – 29 November 2006.
- Nauman Khurshid, Investigation of wind power potential along coastline of Pakistan using Mesoscale Model, International Conference on Global Change (Joint AS-ICTP and NCP Activity), Islamabad, Pakistan; 13 – 17 November 2006.
- Siraj-ul-Islam and Nadia Rehman, Assessment of Future Change in Temperature and Precipitation over Pakistan: Simulated by PRECIS RCM for A2 Scenario, International Conference on Global Change (Joint AS-ICTP and NCP Activity), Islamabad, Pakistan; 13 – 17 November 2006.
- S. Faisal Saeed, Shahbaz Mehmood, Nadia Rehman, M. Adnan Abid, M. Ashfaq, F. Giorgi, J. Pal and X. Bi, Climate Change Studies over South Asia Region Using Regional Climate Model RegCM3: Preliminary Results, International Conference on Global Change (Joint AS-ICTP and NCP Activity), Islamabad, Pakistan; 13 – 17 November 2006.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Naeem Manzoor, Javeria Ashraf and Muhammad Adnan, Climate Extreme Trends in South Asia, International Conference on Global Change (Joint AS-ICTP and NCP Activity), Islamabad, Pakistan; 13 – 17 November 2006.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, ‘Monsoon Asia Mountain Zone in Pakistan – National Perspective’, MAIRS Mountain Workshop, Beijing, China; November 14-17, 2006
- Sajida Ali, Optimizing the use of water through direct seeding of rice – CERES- Rice model Studies in the Semi -Arid Irrigated plains of Punjab, International Forum on Water and Food, Vientiane, Lao PDR; 12 – 17 November 2006.
- Siraj ul Islam, Future Change in the Frequency of Warm and Cold Spells Durations over Pakistan Simulated by the PRECIS Regional Climate Model, Poster Presented at Earth System Science Partnership’s (ESSP) Open Science Conference on Global Environmental Change: Regional Challenges, Beijing, China; 09-12 November, 2006.
- Siraj ul Islam, Future Change in the Frequency of Warm and Cold Spells Durations over Pakistan Simulated by the PRECIS Regional Climate Model, Poster Presented at 2nd Young Scientists’ Global Change Conference (YSC), Beijing, China; 5 – 8, November 2006.
- Humaira Sultana, Vulnerability of Wheat Production in Different Climatic Zones of Pakistan under Climate Change Scenarios using CSM-CERES-Wheat Model, Poster presented at 2nd International Young Scientists’ Conference, Beijing, China; 3-8 Nov., 2006.
- M. Arif Goheer, Rice production in the semiarid irrigated areas of central Punjab, Pakistan under changing climatic scenarios: impacts and adaptations, International Symposium on Sustainable Crop Improvement and Integrated Management,University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan; 14 -16 September 2006.
- Muhammad Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor, Extreme Climate Changes in Pakistan: A Country Report; APN Concluding Workshop on Climate Extreme Indices for South Asia, Islamabad; 21-23 August, 2006.
- Kashif Majeed, Mapping to GECAFS Food Matrix – Gujrat Pakistan (IGP, Site 1), Survey Results, GECAFS IGP CPW&F and APN Launching Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; 27- 30 June 2006.
- Arif Goheer, Climate Change and Food Production in Pakistan, GECAFS IGP CPW&F and APN Launching Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; 27- 30 June 2006.
- Nazim Ali, Vulnerability Assessment of Food System, GECAFS IGP CPW&F and APN Launching Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; 27- 30 June 2006.
- M. Mohsin Iqbal, Field activities in Gujrat District, Pakistan (GECAFS IGP Site 1), GECAFS IGP CPW&F and APN Launching Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; 27- 30 June 2006.
- M. Mohin Iqbal, Methodologies for data collection, GECAFS Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal; June 27-30, 2006
- Nazim Ali, Climate Change and Water Supply Security in Karachi, International Workshop under Global Water System Project (GWSP-Asia), Guangzhou, China; 8 – 12 June 2006.
- Fahad Saeed, Impact Assessment of Land Cover Changes in Upper Indus Basin, Third ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste, Italy; 1 – 9 June 2006.
- M. Munir Sheikh, Mountainous North of Pakistan in the Context of Past and Projected Climate Changes, Karakoram-Kashmir International Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan; 31 May 2006.
- Sajida A. Noor, Genetic Interrelationship and Their Implications for Yield Improvement in Linseed, International Frontis Workshop on “Gene-Plant Crop Relations- Scale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research”, WICC, Wageningen, Netherlands; 23 – 26 April 2006.
- Nazim Ali, Food System in Pakistan, Plenary Meeting of GECAFS Project, Kathmandu, Nepal; 12-15 Dec. 2005.
- Kashif Majeed Salik, Site Characterization: GUJRAT, Pakistan, Plenary Meeting of GECAFS Project, Kathmandu, Nepal; 12-15 Dec. 2005.
- M. Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor, Climate Change – A Global Issue, International Workshop on Impact of Weather and Climate on Society Affairs, CIIT (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology), Islamabad, Pakistan; 24 – 26 Nov. 2005.
- M. Mudasser, Impact of Change in Climate and Water Resources on Wheat Production in Arid and Semi Arid Area of Punjab, Pakistan, Poster Presented at International Workshop on: “Land Surface Models and their Applications”, Zhuhai, China; 15-18 Nov. 2005.
- Fahad Saeed, et al, Impact Assessment of Land Cover Changes in Upper Indus Basin Using Distributed Hydrological Model: A Case Study of Siran Watershed, Poster International Workshop on Land Surface Models and their Applications, Zhuhai, China; 15 – 18 November 2005.
- Nadia Rehman, Siraj ul Islam, Faisal Saeed, Validation of Global Climate Models over South Asia, APN-CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Climate Scenarios for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal; 15-19 August, 2005.
- M. Munir Sheikh, S. S. Raza, Faisal S. Syed, Shahbaz Mehmood, Study of the Physical Conditions underlying some Extreme Events in South Asia, APN-CAPaBLE Regional Workshop on Climate Scenarios for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal; 15-19 August, 2005.
- S. Shoaib Raza, et al, Simulation of Weather Events During Monsoon Season over South Asia Using RegCM3, Scientific Assembly of IAMAS 2005, Beijing, China; 2-11 August 2005.
- Naeem Manzoor, et al, ENSO & NAO Influences over the Weather of Pakistan, Poster Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS 2005), Beijing, China; 2-11 August 2005.
- Syed Faisal Saeed, et al, Climate Simulation Evaluation and Transferability of Different Convective Schemes in RegCM3 Over South Asia Region, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Beijing, China, 2 – 11 August 2005.
- Sultana, H., Mudassser, M., Goheer, M.A., and S.S. Hussain. 2005. Agricultural potential in Karakoram region under changing climate. International Karakoram Conference, Pakistan Academy of Geological Sciences and EV-K2-CNR Committee of Italy, Islamabad; April 26-28, 2005.
- Fahad Saeed, et al, Study of the Hydrological Impact of Global Warming in Hindukush- Karakurum-Himalayan Region Using a Distributed Hydrological Model, International Karakurum Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan; 25 – 27 April 2005.
- S. Sajidin Hussain, M. Mudasser, M.M. Sheikh and N. Manzoor, Climate variability in mountain regions of Pakistan-Implications for Water and Agriculture, International Karakoram Conference, organized by Pakistan Academy of Geological Sciences and EV-K2-CNR Committee of Italy, Islamabad; April 26-28, 2005.
- Naeem Manzoor and M. Munir Sheikh, Climate Variability and Change in the Mountainous North of Pakistan, International Karakoram Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan; 25 – 27 April, 2005.
- Arshad M. Khan, Development of Research on the Evaluation of Vulnerability under the APN CAPaBLE Programme and Future Research Priority Areas, APN Science Symposium “Environmental Vulnerability in the Asia-Pacific Region – Assessments and Countermeasures”, Kobe, Japan; 13 April 2005.
- Syed Sajidin Hussain, Pakistan Site Selection for Case Study, International GECAFS Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 14-16 March, 2005.
- M. Mudasser, S.S. Hussain, H. Sultana, K.M. Salik and A.R. Goheer, Crop Simulations under Climate and Water Scenarios, South Asia Regional Workshop on Watershed Modeling, organized by GCISC and APN CAPaBLE, Islamabad; March 7-18, 2005.
- Syed Sajidin Hussain, Climate Variability in Mountain Regions of Pakistan- Implications for Water and Agriculture, International Conference on: “Sustainability of Communities in Remote Environments: Hindukush, Pakistan”, Baragali, Galiat, Pakistan; 06-08 September, 2004.
- M. Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor, Climate Change in Mountain Regions of Pakistan, APN Stakeholders Meeting, Islamabad; 7 August, 2004.
- Syed Faisal Saeed, Simulation of Winter Precipitation over South Asia, Second Workshop on the Theory & Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste, Italy; May 31 – June 9, 2004.
- Syed Sajidin Hussain, Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Mountain Areas of Pakistan, International Workshop on: “Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems: Bridging Research and Policy”, Kathmandu, Nepal; 3-5 March 2004.
- Muhammad Munir Sheikh, Past and Projected Climate Changes in Pakistan, APN Workshop: Water Resources in South Asia: An Assessment of Climate Change-associated Vulnerabilities and Coping Mechanisms, Kathmandu, Nepal; 15 – 19 Dec., 2003.
- S. Sajidin Hussain, Role of Virtual Water Trade in Agriculture under Climate Change in Pakistan, International Workshop on: “Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Challenges and Strategies”, University of Arid Aghriculture, Rawalpindi; 27-30 August, 2003.
- Muhammad Munir Sheikh and Naeem Manzoor, Changing Climate Scenarios in Pakistan and in South Asia, International Workshop on: “Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Challenges and Strategies”, University of Arid Aghriculture, Rawalpindi; 27-30 August, 2003.
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